Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Christian Blindside

For the longest time on this blog, I said in my bio that I supported the prophecy of St Malachy. In my ignorance, I implied that it was valid Catholic prophecy. What brought about my change of heart? None other than Michael Voris:

I would also like to add that once you look at the prophecies a little closer, you will find a good number of them just don't add up. The pope prophecy supporters would have you believe that  Benedict XVI is the pope referred to when it talks about "glory of the olive", the last one before the supposed final pope Peter the Roman. They state this must be talking about Benedict XVI because the emblem of the Benedictine Order is an olive branch. There are two things wrong with this:
1. Benedict XVI himself was never a member of the Benedictine order.
2. The Benedictine Order doesn't have an emblem. The closest thing they have is the St Benedict medal and there are no olives anywhere on the medal.

At one point in the video, Voris brings up all the so-called Christian groups that have predicted the end of the world is coming but they have all been wrong without exception.

So one may ask "what does this have to do with combating atheism?" The answer is plenty.
What reason would atheists have to become Christians if they hear Christians talking about the world coming to an end and then being wrong about it? Wouldn't they have every right to question whether these Christians have their heads on straight?

Quick disclaimer: I made this exact same complaint against Christians before I accepted Christ as my Savior and His Holy Church as My Mother, so I can say beyond hyperbole atheists read the Bible even less than they say Christians do in this regard. In fact, I'll go even further and say if atheists did read the following verses, they would see how more reasonable the Bible created by the Catholic Church is:
Matt. 24:36 - many sects try to predict the coming of Christ. But Jesus says, "no one but the Father knows the day and the hour." The sects that try to predict Christ's coming ignore these words.
Acts 1:7 - Jesus says it is not for us to know the times or seasons which the Father has fixed by His
own authority.
Rev. 22:20 - Jesus says He is coming soon, but He does not tell us when He is coming. Because Jesus says we do not know the day or the hour and will be surprised at His coming, it is silly, and disobedient, for people and
groups to predict His coming.

So in the end, atheists are idiots and I am ashamed to have ever supported the prophecy. The Masked Angel withdraws his support for it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Pope Resigns; The Media Still Gets it Wrong

    Right on, Voris, and it turns out the media has gotten the ramifications of the story wrong, especially CNN, which decided for some reason to interview that know-nothing The Amazing Atheist. What does he know about...anything for that matter?
         I'll spare all of you his inane drivel and move on to World News Tonight. First of all, the anchors couldn't decide whether it's been 598 years or 400 years since a pope resigned. Second of all, it implied the next pope, as the video predicted the media would do, should be more "open" and "progressive" and "welcoming." Now, unlike other news rooms who would just say that and leave it at that, World News went one step further with these:
-Man-on-the-street sound bites that imply either society is leaving the Church behind or the Church needs "get with the times."
-an interview with a little girl who says the Church should give women the chance to be priests.
-an another bit where a young woman says the Church "needs to be more accepting of gay people." (This young lady lives in California; no surprise there).

After a short line from a representative for Leadership Conference of Women Religious (a group that came under fire from the Vatican for deviating from Church teachings), we then get this stats, some of which came from the USCCB no less:
-48% of American Catholics think abortion should be legal
-48% are in favor of so-called "gay marriage"
-59% say yes to having female Catholic priests

 So depending on which issue you look at, between 48% and 59% of American Catholics are heretics.

      Oh, get a load of this: not to be outdone, they then put in an anchor (I think it's Cokie Roberts, but don't hold me to that) who clearly has no understanding of Catholicism because she points out the cardinals are all ones appointed by either Benedict XVI or John Paul II and thus no real change (read: change liberals and pseudo-Catholics approve of) will happen with a new pope.

Maybe because of the vows I've personally taken, maybe it's because of the college I went to (won't say which, but it does get the seal of approval by the Newman Society), maybe it's because of the spirituality I follow, or the books I read, but I say whoever the next pope is, I hope the Holy Spirit will guide him to an even firmer stand than Benedict XVI. In fact, here's some things I'd like to see (though in the end, these won't be my personal call to make):

-a strict enforcement of Canon Law 915 when it comes to so-called Catholic politicians who thumb their noses at Church teaching
-an investigation into all Catholic schools. If this requires an Inquisition, so be it.
-free distribution of the Baltimore Catechism to all newlywed Catholic couples.
-easier access to either the Latin Mass or the new Anglican Rite Mass
-make the teaching concerning contraception an infallible teaching (again, not my call to make; I'm just saying I'd like to see it)
-calling out the USCCB if they make any ruling contrary to the Magisterium

I look forward to our next pope and I am confident the Church won't fail because we have assurance from Jesus Himself it won't fail.

Monday, February 4, 2013

New Blog Mission

I have thought about a new direction for this blog, and I was about to write a whole page of what the new direction will be, but then Michael Voris articulated it for me. More info to come as it develops.