Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Debunking Popular Notions about Homosexuality (PART 1)


Quick disclosure: I was about to name this post "Debunking Myths about Homosexuality" but then it dawned on me that if I went with that name, then people would get the idea that I was going along with the direction of society (the zeitgeist, one might say) that stated there's nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality. I not only do not agree with that notion but given what I have found about homosexuality, I will most likely never agree with that notion; once one reads the truths presented here about it, I don't think any rational human being can ever say homosexuality could ever be okay.
So here we go: popular notions about homosexuality and why none of them make sense.

Myth #1: People are born gay.
Reality: Science has found no proof of this.

In order for the "born gay" or "born that way" to work, there would have to be either a gene or something unique brain structure wise for that stand to hold up.
Recently, we have a perfect, living, breathing example of the gay gene theory not being true: Jason Collins. I'm not sure if many people caught this but while he was being interviewed, it was revealed he has an identical twin brother---who is in fact not gay himself. That right there should have been enough to bust the myth of there being a gay gene, but since that isn't politically-correct, the media quickly glossed over it.
Research has found some brain structure differences in gay people ( proportioned right hemispheres, INAH3, startle response, a different response to fluoxetin) but so far, these have all been mere coincidence and nothing conclusive can be drawn.

Myth #2: God made people gay.
Reality: We have our own crosses to bear.

Some people are born with a disposition to anger, or to alcoholism, or to drug use or to blood disorders. That doesn't change the fact we still have the power of choice nor does it change the fact there are such things as appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. In the case of biological disorders, we have the choice to treat it or not to treat it. In the case of temptations, we can choose to act on them or not to act on them. The point of these examples is to show we don't just make things moral or legal just because we want them to be. There is such a thing as absolute truth and the notion of God making people gay tends to ignore that.

Myth #3: There is no difference between the gay lifestyle and the straight lifestyle.
Reality: On average, practicing homosexuals die 10 to 20 years sooner than heterosexuals.

Now, before people write to me about this, the fact that some people have been killed for being gay won't be denied here. Such an event is tragic and has no place in a civilized society.

Having said that though, that doesn't change the fact even the CDC now admits practicing gays can at best expect a lifespan 10 to 20 years shorter than their heterosexual counterparts. And it's not because of one main reason either.
According to a 2010 CDC press release, out of all new HIV cases found in American men, 72% were spread through homosexual activity. According to Americans for Truth, gays are 44 times more likely than straight men to contract HIV and 40 times more likely than straight women to get HIV. I'm not saying straight people can't get HIV; I am saying though we need to be honest about the consequences of homosexual actions.

(Side note: I am not alone in thinking that. That same CDC press release said the following: "Preventing HIV and STDs among gay and bisexual men is a top CDC priority."
Show of hands: how many ads have you seen directed to gays encouraging them to practice safe sex? Anyone?)

The CDC has also determined gays are more likely to come down with not just HIV but all known STDs, including syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis, not to mention more likely to be diagnosed with anal cancer, depression, substance abuse, and commit suicide. And before anyone writes to me and says "gays suffer depression and abuse drugs because of the societal hatred of gays", keep in mind both of those are complicated mental issues that have no one cause so it is at best illogical and at worst insulting to the person suffering those disorders for someone to pass off their own assumptions as a diagnoses. I would also refer you to what I said in Myth 3 concerning power of choice.

So why are the rates so high? Mostly because gays act like teenagers, in the sense that they think they can do whatever they want and not suffer the consequences. I won't get into much more detail because the explanation is X-rated, so instead, I'll refer you to this article:

Myth #4: 10% of America is gay.
Reality: Figures vary but none come close to the 10% estimate. 

The Human Rights Campaign, the forefront of the gay rights movement, has gone on record admitting at best 2.9% of Americans are gay. According to a 2011 study by the Williams Institute at the
UCLA School of Law, the gay population is 3.8% or 3.5%. Out of all major cities in America, only six report 
a gay population over 10%, no state has a population over 6% and only 3.4% of voters in Election 2012
were gay. By all measurements, the 10% figure is a myth. 
So why do people still tout it?
The figure comes from a now debunked study from Dr. Alfred Kinsey called The Kinsey Reports. Among the most shocking errors was the American Statistical Association condemning the sampling procedure. Famous psychologist Abraham Maslow (of the famous Maslow's hierarchy of needs) also condemned the study, proving Kinsey didn't accurately represent the general population. (See the Voris video on homosexuality for more problems with the report).

Myth #5: If the people are okay with gay marriage, then it should be legal.
Reality: Then why are gay rights people suing in court when the vote doesn't go their way?

 I'm not going to put much into this because this is preposterous on the surface alone. You can't say in one breath "let the people decide" and then say "the people voted to take my civil rights away." In addition, you can't say "let the people decide" and be okay with judges making the decision for the people. That's

Myth #6: Half of straight marriages end in divorce so straights shouldn't be talking about the "sanctity of marriage." 
Reality: Even if the half figure was true (which it isn't), people still have more faith in straight marriage than gay.
First off, the amount of failing marriages is NOT 50%. That figure comes from dubious math that divides the number of divorces by the number of marriages that happen in a other words, it assumes the people marrying are the same people divorcing. What it should be based on is the number of divorces per 1000 married couples; that gives us a divorce rate of about 20%.

Let's assume for a moment the 50% figure is right. So what? Logically, how does that translate to needing to redefine what makes a marriage. I have yet to come across anybody who can explain this.

Myth #7: Marriage hasn't stayed the same through history and gay marriage is just another type.
Reality: Not all takes on changing marriage have proven successful.

For example, in some cultures, it was okay to marry a 9 year old girl to a grown man, despite the fact that practice wasn't always in the culture. Up until a few decades ago, there was no such thing as no-fault divorce laws in America. Up until four decades ago, divorce was frowned upon; now we hardly bat an eye at it. Up until five decades ago, it was considered immoral to have a child out of wed lock; now it's almost expected.

Even practices within marriage haven't all been for the better. A good number of engaged couples live together before marriage, even though studies show that's a sure sign of divorce later. Some couples don't even bother with marriage or getting engaged and go right to the living together. Even the number of children being born has dropped quite a bit since the 60's.
So just because change comes concerning marriage does not by itself mean it's for the better.

Myth #8: 14 states already legalized gay marriage.
Reality: Only 2 out of those 14 were voted on by the people.

The other 12 made it legal from either elected officials or by judicial fiat. It doesn't matter which of those two were chosen, the fact of the matter remains the people in those states had to "get used to it" by force. Is that an American action to take? I don't think so.
But honestly, can you blame gay marriage advocates for not wanting people to vote on it? In 35 states, the people were given the choice to vote and only 2 out of those 35 were successful. So if you hated the vote of the people that much, wouldn't you find some sneaky way to get around it?


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